It’s all About Hydration, Nutrients and Energy

Listen To Your Body’s Thirst Cues

In my opinion, skincare along with anti-aging starts with hydration. Photo by Pixabay (Pexels)

I happened to tune in to the National Geographic channel the other day where they featured a special on The African Plains-The Kalahari Desert.  The word Kalahari means “the great thirst” or “a waterless place.”  It is the second largest desert in Africa, has vast areas covered by red sand without any permanent surface water, and is home to a wide variety of plants, migratory birds and animal life.  The program focused on the lengths and rituals the birds and animals would go through to find water in the seasonal wetlands, sometimes trekking for miles.  It was an absolutely fascinating expose’ on the importance of water sustaining life in this terribly dry and diverse geography.

The Kalahari with its notable red sand. Photo by Elmer Thiel own works.

So what, you ask?  That’s what deserts are. Dry and inhospitable.  Right?  Well, as most of us learned early in our schooling, life as we know it is not possible without water.  The documentary was all about how these birds and animals were forced into being migratory so they could continue life and raise their young.  Truly heart-warming.  It’s not hard to understand how water is the giver and sustainer of life, and so it goes also the giver of health and wellness.  

Pictured here is a small herd of African elephants, young and old, relishing their find. The program actually featured a wide variety of birds and animals, far too many to show here. Photo by Roger Brown (Pexels)

Much to that point, as far back as my teenage years, I have practiced a daily beverage routine that I found does just that:  it gives me health and wellness, but moreover, it has helped with maintaining my overall skin appearance in support of my anti-aging efforts along with giving me a boost of energy.  Who doesn’t need that at our Boomer age.  Other side benefits include aiding in digestion, liver support, inflammation relief all the while increasing your immune system’s productivity by providing essential vitamins and minerals.  These powerful liquids have it all.   Here I am, excited to share my secrets with you.  

It goes beyond the normal consumption of plain old water, as you will see below.  I have found a few select beverages that are helpful for providing hydration, nutrients and antioxidants, all in one.  These tips work for me in helping to keep my skin soft and supple while reducing the number of age-related lines and wrinkles, not to mention that extra boost of energy every day.  

Here’s my list.  Do I practice this religiously every day, of course not.  But I do hold true to following this routine as often as possible.  It works for me, and hopefully, it will work for you, as well.  

GREEN TEA.  The headliner.  It seems to pop up as Numero Uno for anti-aging benefits.  It is rich in antioxidants which help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, a major contributor to premature skin aging.  What are free radicals you ask?  When oxygen is metabolized, it can generate unstable molecules caused by inflammation, mental stress, excessive exercise, infections, cancer and lastly AGING, which is what we’re focusing on here.  Drink your green tea hot or cold over ice; either way offers significant benefits to skin elasticity and the reduction of those pesky wrinkles. 

WATER WITH LEMON.  I start my day usually with a breakfast smoothie followed immediately with a glass of lemon water, sometimes substituting a lime.  Slice it in half and use a juicer to squeeze every last drop into a 12-ounce glass of water for a pleasant hydrating, Vitamin C filled drink.  

Photo by Charlotte May (Pexels)

COCONUT WATER.  It’s naturally hydrating and packed with electrolytes.  Keeping your body hydrated is one of the most important factors as we age, especially with summer heat right around the corner.  No matter your age, adding coconut water to your diet will provide valuable nutrients and give your skin ample protection against the natural effects aging brings.  

BEETROOT JUICE.  I absolutely love beets, in any form.  Beetroot juice has emerged as one of the top anti-aging benefactors that helps keep your skin looking and feeling young.  It’s rich in Vitamin C which is important for collagen production and iron absorption.  As a side benefit to its anti-aging properties, it is well-known that collagen helps to strengthen hair strands, while iron deficiency can lead to hair loss.  Although I haven’t tried this juice, I do take the chewable and they offer the same benefits as touted in the juice.  Beets, beet chewies and beet juice have been associated with improved blood circulation, which increase the volume of oxygen throughout the body thus reducing overall skin inflammation.  

You can always splice up your beetroot with another fruit and make into a smoothie. Photo by Roman Odintsov (Pexels)

GREEN SMOOTHIES.  For the adventurous, blend together leafy greens like spinach or kale with fruits rich in Vitamins C and E such as berries and citrus fruits.  I also enjoy spinach salads and home-made kale chips.

Photo by Alisha Mishra (Pexels)

VEGETABLE JUICE (TOMATO JUICE).  Another great source of antioxidants helping to protect your skin from sun damage and lines and wrinkles.  I love drinking Green Juice (known as the Green Machine from Costco, as part of my normal routine.  The nutrients in these beverages help promote collagen production, which helps promote a firmer, smoother complexion to keep you looking young and vibrant for years.  That’s what I call a definite win-win. 

My “go-to” alternative to my breakfast smoothie. Just pour and drink.

POMEGRANATE JUICE.  Often touted as the best source of antioxidants on the market, helping to reduce inflammation and boost collagen production: two key factors in keeping the body healthy and appearing youthful.  For those seeking an anti-aging drink that packs a powerful punch, pomegranate juice should be at the top of your list.  On its own, it’s a little too bitter for me so I put it in my breakfast smoothies and add orange juice and fruit.  

No need to add sugar or any other sweetener, pomegranate juice on its own is perfect. Photo by Studio Naae (Pexels)

BONE BROTH.  I’ll be honest, I haven’t tried this yet.  It’s been heralded as an elixir of youth being rich in collagen, amino acids, and minerals, all of which help keep your skin looking supple, soft and glowing.  Its curative properties also make it an excellent choice for joint health and reducing inflammation.  Because it’s high in hyaluronic acid which helps retain youthful moisture levels in the skin, I’m going to have to give this try, probably will need to drink it warm, either in a cup or as soup, shown here.

Photo by jenvit keiwalinsarid (Pexels)

RED WINE.  Inasmuch as I don’t drink alcohol, I nonetheless wanted to include this morsel of information about “resveratrol” a hugely popular antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent found in red wine associated with anti-aging effects.  The key here is drinking in moderation, and if done so, certain claims suggest it can even help protect your heart and reduce cholesterol levels.  If you’re in need of a cocktail, follow the lead of the French and Italians and pour a glass of a full-bodied red, sit back and enjoy.    

Here is my suggested daily beverage routine.

  1. MORNING.  I start with a cup or two of delightful home brewed coffee.  It’s what I drink to get my engine started.  As a side note, I curate it with Laird Hamilton’s Superfood Creamer. He is a champion surfer who invented this non-sugar, Superfood Coconut Creamer for lasting energy to fuel your day (   Then I follow up with a well-balanced smoothie based on either the Green Machine or Pomegranate Juice blended with lots of fruit, but few if any vegetables which I’m able to get as side dishes during lunch and dinner.
  2. MID-MORNING.  Now comes the lemon and coconut water, most often not warm, just room temperature.  One glass of each before lunch.
  3. LUNCH.  Always another glass of lemon water with hot green tea, both help with digestion.
  4. AFTERNOON.  More green or herbal tea, which actually help curb my dinner appetite, a great way also to control your weight.  ANOTHER BENIE!
  5. DINNER.  Because I do not drink alcohol, I usually have a very light sip of decaf green tea or flavored mineral water.  
  6. EVENING.  Really nothing to speak of since it would probably keep me awake and for sure require multiple trips to the nighttime bathroom.  Ha. Ha.  The inevitability of getting older. 
  7. OTHER TIMES.  I always have some kind of beneficial beverage to sip on while traveling or working in the garden.  I often will take a small ice chest especially during the summer months and keep it close by for easy access.  Lemon water is a real thirst quencher.  

In my 20’s I started drinking smoothies along with all my friends while living in Newport Beach, California.  It was the hip thing to do and there were plenty of smoothie shake outlets all over the place.  Since then, I’ve pretty much stayed the course with juices, green and herbal teas and smoothies, all at different times of the day.  For me, they are my constant companion and are a testament to my youthful skin and overall health and wellness.

A number of years ago while living in the desert, I got hooked on drinking Diet Cola.  It was ice cold and always seemed to hit the spot on those horrid hot days in the summer, or did it?  By mistake I left a plastic cup filled with diet cola sitting in the garage and the next day I found it had eaten through the cup.  That was the last sip for me.  The reason I bring this up is that sodas overall are not particularly healthy due to their high sugar content, so please don’t substitute all the benefits of the beverages mentioned above with sodas or even diet sodas.  

You can’t buy your health, but you can nurture it with a healthy diet.  It’s not too late to start.  

Throughout the day, listen to your body’s thirst cues and adjust your beverage intake accordingly.  Remember to prioritize water as your main source of hydration and incorporate all the other beverages for variety and additional health benefits.  I’m certain as you walk down this path to improved skincare and anti-aging strategies, you will find other beverages equally helpful.  If you do, drop me a note and let me know how that has worked out for you.  

In your quest for Your Ultimate Lifestyle, I wish you great success, and only hope that I was able to be a small part of it and inspire you to improve your diet accordingly.  Your Number One BoomerGal, Connie.  

Remember, while these beverages can contribute to an anti-aging regimen, they work best as part of a comprehensive approach that includes a healthy food diet, proper skincare therapy and routine, sun protection, plenty of sleep and eliminating harmful lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, drug use, etc.  

Disclaimer:  BoomerGal and its associates are not medical professionals.  The information and claims presented in this blog are based on personal experience and any research through various medical review sources may or may not be applicable to your circumstances.  If you have a problem associated with understanding or implementing any of the above information, it’s important to consult with a healthcare or dietary professional for evaluation and appropriate management.  They may recommend guidance on supplementation of these beverages or other interventions based on your individual health profile.  

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